ALPMA Seminar: Is Employee Experience the New Black? (QLD)

ALPMA Seminar: Is Employee Experience the New Black? (QLD)

  • Event
  • 15 May - 15 May 2019

The Australian Bureau of Statistics recently reported that Australia now has more open roles than ever recorded. Competition for quality candidates is fierce, which means that your ability to hire the right employees - and then retain them once you have them - is more important than ever.

This is especially difficult in an industry that is being as disrupted as the legal profession. 

Until recently the main lever that organisations have used to measure and increase employee motivation and retention was employee engagement. Unfortunately, this strategy has clearly failed since Australian engagement rates have recently tracked down from an already abysmally low 15% to a shocking 13%.

As organisations increasingly look for alternatives to employee engagement surveys and programs one of the hottest topics making its way around business leadership and HR circles is Employee Experience (EX). 

Can Employee Experience succeed where employee engagement has failed? Will looking at Employee Experience provide the same benefits many firms have realised as a result of looking at their customer experience? 

Please join us at our May meeting when Kim Seeling Smith, CEO of Ignite Global and author of The 2018 Employee Experience Report: The value of employee experience in Australian workplaces will lead a fast-paced, informative, funny and ultimately practical discussion to help you unpack EX and decide if it’s something that will help you hire and retain the people your firm needs to thrive during this age of disruption.

Learn and discuss:

  • What Employee Experience is (and isn’t) 
  • Why EX differs from employee engagement and broader culture initiatives
  • The direct link between Employee Experience and Customer Experience - leading to a better bottom line for you
  • How to use EX to implement immediate no to low-cost strategies to make a tangible impact on your business today

Every attendee will receive a hard copy of the 2018 report - 60 pages of stats, case studies and quotes by organisations who have begun their own EX journey.

Time:  12:30pm-2pm (AEST)

Venue: Queensland Law Society, Level 2, 179 Ann Street , BRISBANE

ALPMA Members are free.

As an ALPMA Corporate Partner, we look forward to attending ALPMA’s monthly seminars.


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