Early Case Assessment
What is Early Case Assessment?
Early Case Assessment (ECA) provides a comprehensive understanding of the available evidence and data at the early stages of a matter. It allows for estimating the risk(s) and cost(s) of pursuing a particular legal course of action.
Utilising several analytics and search features, legal teams can quickly identify the relevant issue, key people and gaps in email communications, and identify patterns and trends in the data which will assist in making informed decisions. Prioritising ECA comes into its own with large datasets. Interactive, visual summary reports provide an overall picture of the data as well as an analysis of trends such as date and email volume by domain and allows lawyers to drill into relevant data sets before an indepth document review.
- Allows assessment of risks and costs of a case by providing a high level view of data
- Provides insights into available evidence to formulate case strategies
- Ability to cull data to reduce eDiscovery costs and to prioritise review