Elizabeth Miller, Head of eCourts, will be presenting on 'Embracing disruptive technology in court' at the World Judiciary Transformation Framework & The Metrics for Measuring Performance Conference 2016
This conference focuses on facilitating discussion on Judiciary transformation framework, governance structure, strategic and sharing of perspectives in order to consolidate best practices in judicial performance and improving access to justice.
Sufficient time has also been set aside to discuss critical issues and perspective, including development in the Judiciary transformation innovation and performance management around the world and to exchange experience between different juristic and appointive systems.
Elizabeth Miller will be presenting on 'Embracing disruptive technology in court'.
Elizabeth is Head of
eCourts at Law In Order. She has over 25 years of experience working in law firms and 10 years in the Courts. She has worked on Royal Commissions of Inquiry since 2003 and has in-depth experience developing, designing and operationally implementing eHearing and trial models to the judicial, legal and corporate markets in Australia, Europe and North America.
For more information on this event or to register to attend
click here.
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