Law In Order is proud to announce that Sandeep Gugnani, Amit Sharma and Tony Walakone, members of our eDiscovery team, have successfully obtained Nuix Specialist certification.
Law In Order is proud to announce that Sandeep Gugnani, Amit Sharma, and Tony Walakone, members of our eDiscovery team, have successfully obtained Nuix Specialist certification. At Law In Order we are dedicated to providing the best quality of service to our clients. This requires us to have the best people who are supported by continued learning and development. The Nuix Specialist Certification is another step towards ensuring we maintain a high level of expertise within our technical team.
The Nuix Specialist certification is a specialty certification that focuses on knowledge of advanced processing features in Nuix which is the software engine at the centre of our eDiscovery service.
About Nuix
Nuix enables people to make fact-based decisions from unstructured data. The patented Nuix Engine makes small work of large and complex human-generated data sets. Organisations around the world turn to Nuix software when they need fast, accurate answers for digital investigation, cybersecurity, eDiscovery, information governance, email migration, privacy, and more.
If you wish to learn more about eDiscovery, please email
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