Big data is challenging your firm’s print room

Big data is challenging your firm’s print room

  • Blog Post
  • Posted on 20 October 2015

As a lawyer, well-organised documentation can make a world of difference to your professional life. Document production – the hold-all phrase for hardcopy print, copy and scanning services –within the legal industry requires a higher degree of accuracy and attention to detail than most: the ramifications of mistakes are high. 

Long gone are the days when you just clicked ‘Print’.  A lot of contemporary file types, intended only for use on screen, require purpose built software in order to render them to a printable format.  In a data-driven environment – where we see worldwide an average of 189.2 billion emails sent daily – the tools required to print such files have had to advance in order to keep up.  The explosion of data brings with it many challenges across resources, time and accuracy.

Printrooms have to be able to respond to the demands of review teams who are juggling vast numbers of considerations and imperatives. Good printrooms anticipate and offer solutions.  They should be able to assist by ordering the material exactly how you want it, but they should also be able to deduplicate at a family or document level, winnowing the material for you, cutting down review time and eliminating unnecessary cost.  They should have access to early case assessment tools which can drive powerful keyword searches and isolate only the material you need.   

Well-equipped printrooms should have a number of contemporary high-volume production machines, each capable of printing between 105 and 120 pages per minute - that’s six or seven thousand single-sided black and white pages per hour – which reduces the lead time necessary for planning complex print jobs.   

If your printroom is buckling under pressure, finding a service provider that understands the pressures of the legal services industry and can meet the needs of clients is essential.

The right mix of hardware, software, planning and know-how is now required to successfully complete what used to be reasonably simple tasks.  As technology advances, that mix will become harder and harder to get right.

For further information on Law In Order’s Document Production solutions contact our team.

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