Livestreaming: Making Hearings Truly Public

  • Blog Post
  • Posted on 30 August 2019

We are a professional provider of solutions to courts and hearings globally. Did you know our eHearings team offers Livestreaming services? Suitable for both Public and Private Hearings, we offer secure web streaming from the hearing room, enabling proceedings to be broadcast over the internet.


Many people who wish to attend public proceedings are unable to due to issues surrounding location, work, mobility and transport. This can limit the transparency of proceedings. Livestreaming technology removes these barriers and truly makes hearings public. Our experienced videographers and legal technologists can livestream a hearing at broadcast quality online. Censorship can be applied in real-time with audio masking and picture distortion.  Archives of the content can be provided at the end of the hearing or hosted in the cloud for general access.

In July 2019:

  • the total number of times our livestreaming was watched equalled 25,275 views
  • the average time that people watched our livestreaming was 55 minutes and 34 seconds
  • the total number of people that watched our livestreaming is approximately the same as the population of Broken Hill
  • the total number of people that watched our livestreaming simultaneously would fill a Boeing 747
  • the total number of Livestreaming minutes viewed equalled 14,398 episodes of Game of Thrones

Key benefits

Tick.pngFull High Definition quality video

Tick-(1).pngUninterrupted streaming even in high-demand situations

Tick-(2).pngAccessible on any device

Tick-(3).pngCan be setup within 24 hours

Tick-(4).pngCost effective solution

We utilise the latest video production techniques, which range from picture-in-picture view of multiple cameras to having a professional webcast operator transition between shots as the hearing unfolds.  Furthermore, corporate branding can overlay the feed to show the speaker’s name, organisation or company logo.

For more information on our eHearings solutions, contact our team.


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