Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility

Law In Order is proud to be a signatory of the Greener Litigation Pledge (GLP). We join dozens of other law firms, corporations, and technology companies to hold ourselves accountable for taking active steps to reduce the environmental impact of litigation. As a working group, the GLP actively works with the courts to drive higher levels of environmental standards and use our many platforms to grow awareness around environmental change.



Learn more about Greener Litigation Pledge >>

Job Description: Law In Order's EcoVadis Bronze rating means we are in the top 50% percentile

Law In Order's EcoVadis Bronze rating means we are in the top 50% percentile covering a broad range of non-financial management systems including Environmental, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement impacts.

EcoVadis is the world’s most trusted business in rating the sustainability of businesses and organisations. Tens of thousands of companies partner with EcoVadis to collaborate on sustainability with a common platform, universal scorecard, benchmarks and performance improvement tools.

Law In Order's EcoVadis Bronze rating means we are in the top 50% percentile covering a broad range of non-financial management systems including Environmental, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement impacts. 

This bronze rating ensures that sustainability remains a key focus at Law In Order.

Learn more about EcoVadis>>

Law In Order is a proud participant in the Global Compact Network Australia's SDG Ambition Programme.

We are proud to announce that we will be participating in the Global Compact Network Australia’s SDG Ambition programme. We will be stepping up to unlock transformative change on the journey to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.


This six-month accelerator will support us to set ambitious corporate targets and accelerate the integration of the SDGs into core business management.



Law In Order is a proud participant of the United Nations Global Compact. The United Nations (UN) Global Compact exists to assist the private sector in the management of increasingly complex risks and opportunities in the environmental, social and governance realms.

The UN Global Compact seeks to embed the Ten Principles in markets and corporate boardrooms, for the benefit of both businesses and society around the world.

The Global Compact has two key purposes:

  1. To encourage the integration of its ten principles into responsible business practice; and
  2. To garner collective action of the UN Global Compact and its related UN initiatives.

Law In Order is a signatory to the UN Global Compact and is committed to demonstrating tangible actions to support the Ten Principles by submitting formal Communications on Progress on an annual basis. 

The ten principles of the United Nations relating to the Global Compact:

Human Rights

Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and

Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.


Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;

Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;

Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and

Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;

Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and

Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

Anti Corruption

Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Law In Order supports The Global Compact


An initiative of the International Business Standards Organization (IBSO), the Worldwide Charter for Fair International Commerce (WCFIC) is a global initiative that stands by businesses adopting sustainability and fair trade policies. The Worldwide Charter supports international businesses showcasing a particular social and environmental sensibility through following a code of conduct and a set of universal principles; reflecting the core values of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, labor conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and other internationally recognised principles.


By becoming a signatory, Law In Order  will adopt and implement the Charter’s Principles to demonstrate its commitment to be among the world leaders in fair business dealings and corporate responsibility.

 Law In Order agrees and commits to the following principles:

  1. As a minimum standard, comply with all applicable local, state, provincial and federal laws and regulations in all the countries where we operate.
  2. Not sell or deal in counterfeit and pirated goods. Refrain from infringing on intellectual property or other proprietary rights owned by a third party.
  3. Act with the highest ethical standards and integrity, implementing good faith and fair dealing norms and compete in a transparent and open manner with a zero tolerance on corruption.
  4. Respect the relationships with contractors, partners, clients and customers. Any kind of fraud, falsifying or misrepresenting practice is unacceptable.
  5. Present the organisation’s financial data and non-financial information honestly, accurately and objectively.
  6. Respect the cultures and customs of the countries in which the organisation works by demonstrating a spirit of tolerance, integrity and social responsibility.
  7. Wherever the operations are located, provide all internationally recognised human rights, a safe work environment, fair treatment and salary for all employees including the principle of “equal pay for equal work” without discrimination of any kind.
  8. Take all possible measures to avoid or minimise damage to the environment and human health.
  9. Take all actions necessary to comply with the requirements of this Charter. Senior management of signatories will assume the responsibility for realising the letter and spirit of these principles.

To learn more about the WCFIC, please click here.

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